The Padron 2000 Natural Robusto is a premium cigar that achieved a 90 rating from Cigar Aficionado. The Padron 2000 series are high quality cigars that use select Nicaraguan long fillers that come from quality, Cuban-seed tobacco plants. That Habano tobacco is sun grown and aged for at least two and a half years resulting in a amazing flavor. Like all of the Padron cigars, the construction of these gems is impeccable and helps give them a long, slow and enjoyable burn.
This medium-bodied Robusto is further accuentuated by its quality, select Natural wrapper. The end result of combining such a fine selection of Nicaraguan tobacco is a top shelf cigar smoking experience that is suited for the finest of occasions. The five inches and 50 ring gauge of this medium-bodied cigar make for a perfect afternoon smoke and a cigar to hand out when you want to make the best of impressions.
Padron 2000 Maduro cigars are exotic and perfectly hand-crafted with a high-quality blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos. They are encased in home-grown Nicaraguan Maduro leaf wrappers that produce a satisfying aroma and special, flavorful aftertaste. A Nicaraguan binder holds these cigars together in a firm roll that makes for a delightfully easy treat. The leaf binder also evens out the flavor, giving you an enjoyable smooth experience.
These flawlessly hand-rolled cigars are offered in a rugged, sturdy wooden box which contains 26 pieces. They are prepared in lengths of 5 inches with a ring gauge of 50, making them ideal for a relaxing retreat at the end of a long day. The tobacco used in Padron cigars are cultivated in the rich soils of Nicaragua, a place that has established itself as one of the most bountiful sources of fine tobacco.